Triplet Excitons Quenching by Doublet Centers in the Nanoreactor with External Magnetic Field
The process of spin-selective quenching of a triplet (T) exciton by a fixed spin doublet (D) center in an organic semiconductor nanoparticle (anthracene, tetracene, MEH-PPV) was studied. Random walks of the T-exciton in a spherical nanovolume of a crystal or polymer globule were modeled on the basis of solution of the Neumann boundary diffusion condition. Time dependences of the non-selective on spin quenching rate of T-excitations for different values of geometric and diffusion parameters were calculated. The account of the spin dynamics of T-D-pair reagents allowed calculating magnetic field effects of T-D-quenching rate, which showed a strong influence of the nanoparticles size and initial position of the T-exciton and doublet sink on the absolute value of the effect. The obtained radial dependences of the magnetic field modulation of the quenching efficiency can be approximated by a superposition of two exponents.
About the Authors
M. G. KucherenkoRussian Federation
Orenburg, 460018
S. A. Penkov
Russian Federation
Orenburg, 460018
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For citations:
Kucherenko M.G., Penkov S.A. Triplet Excitons Quenching by Doublet Centers in the Nanoreactor with External Magnetic Field. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(2):202-210. (In Russ.)