Optical and Electrophysical Properties of Doped with Manganese Thin Zinc Oxide Films Obtained by Laser Deposition Method
By the method of high-frequency repetitively pulsed f ~ 10-15 kHz laser action with a wavelength l = 1.064 fim and a power density q = 150 MW/cm2 on zinc oxide ceramics doped with manganese oxide at a pressure in the vacuum chamber p = 2.7 Pa there were obtained nanostructured thin films on a silicon substrate. The surface morphology and the elemental composition of the obtained films were studied using atomic force microscopy; scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray spectral microanalysis. The features of the transmission spectra in visible, near and middle IR regions are revealed. The analysis of the electrophysical properties of the ZnO+2% MnO2/Si heterostructure was carried out.
About the Authors
N. A. BosakBelarus
Minsk, 220072
A. N. Chumakov
Minsk, 220072
A. A. Shevchenok
Minsk, 220013
L. V. Baran
Minsk, 220030
A. G. Karoza
Minsk, 220072
V. V. Malutina-Bronskaya
Minsk, 220072
A. A. Ivanov
Minsk, 220072
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For citations:
Bosak N.A., Chumakov A.N., Shevchenok A.A., Baran L.V., Karoza A.G., Malutina-Bronskaya V.V., Ivanov A.A. Optical and Electrophysical Properties of Doped with Manganese Thin Zinc Oxide Films Obtained by Laser Deposition Method. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(2):221-226. (In Russ.)