Plasma Parameters Near a Hollow Rectangular Cathode
The values of electron concentrations and electron energy distribution functions in a short discharge gap between a rectangular hollow cathode and a mesh anode were obtained by the single probe method. It was established that the distributions of electrons are not Maxwell ones with an excess of high-energy electrons, the proportion of which decreases with a distance from the cathode.
About the Authors
S. N. AndreevRussian Federation
Moscow, 119991
A. V. Bernatskiy
Russian Federation
Moscow, 119991
V. N. Ochkin
Russian Federation
Moscow, 119991
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For citations:
Andreev S.N., Bernatskiy A.V., Ochkin V.N. Plasma Parameters Near a Hollow Rectangular Cathode. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(2):227-230. (In Russ.)