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Multifunctional Fusion Raman Spectrometer for the Detection of Controlled Hazardous Liquids


There have been severe challenges in the security inspection of controlled hazardous liquids in public places in recent years. To further meet the practical requirements of the front line of security inspection, we designed and developed a hazardous liquid detector on the basis of the fusion of Raman spectroscopy, dielectric constant, and heat conduction. The design ideas and methods for the whole system, as well as its hardware and software platforms, are expounded emphatically. Several inflammable and explosive hazardous liquids, including gasoline, methanol, acetonitrile, and toluene, as well as water, were selected as samples and sealed in transparent and opaque containers to test the performance of the instrument. As shown by the experimental results, the three subsystems can quickly and non-destructively detect the corresponding samples without false positives or false negatives. The instrument has various detection functions that overcome the single technical defects and has broad application prospects.

About the Authors

F. Hao
First Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security

Beijing 100048

Q. Zhang
First Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security

Beijing 100048

Ch. Jin
First Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security

Beijing 100048

T. Zhang
First Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security

Beijing 100048

E. Jia
First Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security

Beijing 100048

H. Yu
First Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security

Beijing 100048

Zh. Fan
First Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security

Beijing 100048

F. Du
First Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security

Beijing 100048


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For citations:

Hao F., Zhang Q., Jin Ch., Zhang T., Jia E., Yu H., Fan Zh., Du F. Multifunctional Fusion Raman Spectrometer for the Detection of Controlled Hazardous Liquids. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(2):282-290.

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ISSN 0514-7506 (Print)