Control of Logical Operations with Images in the Accumulated Echo-Holography by External Spatially Inhomogeneous Electric Fields
Ihe realization of logical operations for images using an accumulated echo hologram in the presence of external spatially inhomogeneous electric fields is considered. It is shown that the photon echo locking effect allows controlling the type of logical operations (from uniting the sets to their symmetric difference and superposition) by varying the values of gradients of external spatially inhomogeneous electric fields.
About the Authors
G. I. GarnaevaRussian Federation
Kazan, 420008
L. A. Nefediev
Russian Federation
Kazan, 420008
E. I. Nizamova
Russian Federation
Kazan, 420008
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For citations:
Garnaeva G.I., Nefediev L.A., Nizamova E.I. Control of Logical Operations with Images in the Accumulated Echo-Holography by External Spatially Inhomogeneous Electric Fields. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(2):291-296. (In Russ.)