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The dynamics of br formation from the primary and secondary C–Br bond dissociation of oxalyl bromide near 265 and 234 nm


The photodissociation dynamics of oxalyl bromide is investigated near 265 and 234 nm using the velocity map ion imaging technique coupled with a state selective [2+1] resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization scheme. The translational energy distribution and 2 PJ, J = 3/2, 1/2 parameters of the Br atom formation process are extracted from two-dimensional ion images. The trimodal energy distribution of Br(2 P3/2) atoms is attributed to the primary C–Br bond fission as well as the secondary dissociation of brominecontaining C2O2Br radicals produced from the primary Br and Br* pathways. The conclusions are confirmed by the recoil anisotropy and the distribution width corresponding to the individual components. The branching ratio Br(2 P3/2)/Br(2 P1/2) confirms the excitation energy dependence. 

About the Authors

D. Paul
Department of Chemistry and Chemistry Institute for Functional Materials, Pusan National University; Department of Chemistry, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University
Korea, Republic of

Busan 609-735


N. K. Kim
Department of Chemistry and Chemistry Institute for Functional Materials, Pusan National University
Korea, Republic of

Busan 609-735

Md. Mostafizur Rahman
Department of Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology


T. K. Kim
Department of Chemistry and Chemistry Institute for Functional Materials, Pusan National University; Department of Chemistry, Yonsei University
Korea, Republic of

Busan 609-735


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For citations:

Paul D., Kim N.K., Mostafizur Rahman M., Kim T.K. The dynamics of br formation from the primary and secondary C–Br bond dissociation of oxalyl bromide near 265 and 234 nm. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(4):556-562.

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