Spectroscopic method for studying the morphology of suspensions
A spectroscopic method was proposed for studying the morphology of microsuspensions, based on the analysis of the scattering component of electromagnetic radiation passing through a sample (turbid medium), which makes it possible to determine the average size and distribution of scattering particles by size. By optical spectroscopy (UV, visible and IR spectral regions) and by an independent optical microscopy method suspensions of vaseline oil (VО) filled with mica and BaSO4 of various concentrations were investigated. Using these methods, the average sizes of scattering particles were determined and their size distribution curves were plotted for microsuspensions of VО/mica and VО/BaSO4 with 4 and 5% filler content, respectively. The average sizes of filler particles for two suspensions determined by independent methods, practically coincided and amounted to 1.7 and 1.1 μm, respectively. It was found by the spectroscopic method that with an increase in the concentration of the filler due to the aggregation of particles, their average size becomes larger.
About the Authors
A. I. MarkovaRussian Federation
S. D. Khizhnyak
Russian Federation
E. Ruehl
P. M. Pakhomov
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Markova A.I., Khizhnyak S.D., Ruehl E., Pakhomov P.M. Spectroscopic method for studying the morphology of suspensions. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(4):563-568. (In Russ.)