In situ study of ytterbium oxide chemical dissolution kinetics in YbCl3–KCl melt by raman spectroscopy
Using the Yb2O3 –YbCl3–KCl oxide-chloride system as an example, an approach has been proposed and tested, which makes it possible to study the kinetics of dissolution of rare-earth metal oxides in hightemperature melted salt media by Raman spectroscopy. Evidence has been obtained for the chemical mechanism of dissolution of ytterbium oxide in the YbCl3–KCl melt and the irreversibility of the ongoing chemical reaction. It was found that the concentration of the reagent, namely, ytterbium oxide, decreases with time according to an exponential law. The reaction order with respect to Yb2O3 is the first.
About the Author
I. D. ZakiryanovaRussian Federation
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For citations:
Zakiryanova I.D. In situ study of ytterbium oxide chemical dissolution kinetics in YbCl3–KCl melt by raman spectroscopy. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(4):576-581. (In Russ.)