Luminescent studies of the influence of molecular structure on the stability under interaction with electrons in the gas phase
Using luminescent spectroscopy of destruction products at excitation by monochromatic electrons with different energy in the gas phase, it was shown that studied electroactive molecules with approximately the same dimensions and different chemical structure have very different stability under interaction with electrons. All molecule spectra contain luminescence of hydrogen, С2 and СН, as well as СО, CN, I, Al, Ir in molecules containing these elements or groups. Luminescence of decomposed molecules is observed at electron energy of about 40–50 eV (for the most typical components such as hydrogen in carbazole and aluminium in AlQ3). This testifies that luminescence of fragments is the result of their excitation by electrons. The amount and luminescence intensity of decomposition products are increasing with a growth of temperature and electron energy.
About the Authors
A. V. KukhtaBelarus
O. L. Neyra
D. V. Murtazaliev
Russian Federation
S. M. Kazakov
Russian Federation
L. K. Mitriukhin
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Kukhta A.V., Neyra O.L., Murtazaliev D.V., Kazakov S.M., Mitriukhin L.K. Luminescent studies of the influence of molecular structure on the stability under interaction with electrons in the gas phase. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(4):647-652. (In Russ.)