Temperature dependences of the refractive indices of doped K2SO4 crystals
The temperature dependences of the refractive indices of the K2SO4 crystal with the copper impurity are studied. It is established that the introduction of the copper impurity leads to the appearance of isotropic points (intersection of the curves пz(T) and пx(Т) at a temperature of Т' ~ 612 K (∆ny = 0), and пz(T) and пy(Т) at a temperature of T" ~ 689 K (∆nx = 0)), as well as to the expansion of the temperature range of the intermediate phase and its shift towards lower temperatures. The critical index β of the phase transition order parameter is determined for the doped crystal within the phenomenological approach of the first fluctuation correction to the Landau theory (β ≈ 0.17 ± 0.05). A shift of the phase transition point towards low temperatures is established. The latter can be explained on the phenomenological level by the influence of internal stresses arising during the introduction of the impurity, similarly to the influence of uniaxial or hydrostatic pressures.
About the Authors
V. Yo. StadnykUkraine
P. A. Shchepanskyi
M. Ya. Rudysh
Z. A. Kogut
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For citations:
Stadnyk V.Y., Shchepanskyi P.A., Rudysh M.Ya., Kogut Z.A. Temperature dependences of the refractive indices of doped K2SO4 crystals. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(4):653-660. (In Russ.)