Study of Non-Equilibrium Auge-Transition According to Emission Auge-Spectroscopy
A non-equilibrium Auger-transition is investigated, which consists in the fact that a vacancy in the valence layer is filled in a time of ~ 10-14 s with an electron of the probe, which receives the energy released as a result of the transition of a valence electron to the K-layer and emits it from the surface. For the first time, a non-equilibrium Auger-spectrum was obtained from the surface of thin (8–10 atomic layers) films of silver oxide Ag2O on a Si3N4 substrate at a probe radiation energy of 8–10 keV. The probability of the escape of non-equilibrium Auger-electrons is analyzed depending on the atomic number. The characteristic amplitude peaks characterizing the contribution of non-equilibrium Auger-electrons to the recorded signal are established. Based on the mathematical model describing the dynamics of the non-equilibrium Auger-process, its probability, relaxation time, and also the cross section for the capture of a free carrier by a neutral vacancy are calculated.
About the Authors
E. R. BurmistrovRussian Federation
L. P. Avakyants
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Burmistrov E.R., Avakyants L.P. Study of Non-Equilibrium Auge-Transition According to Emission Auge-Spectroscopy. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(5):675-681. (In Russ.)