Forbidden Radiation Angles of Quantum Antennas
A quantum antenna consisting of a set of two-level atoms situated on one straight line and prepared in different initial states is investigated. It is shown that if the initial state of a quantum antenna is a symmetric Dicke state, then for it a total suppression of radiation in definite directions is possible. Probability of simultaneous photon detections in these directions is equal to zero. This result is impossible for the pseudoclassical symmetric initial state of the antenna, which does not have quantum entanglement, and for such a state the probability of detecting a photon at any angle is always nonzero. The qualitative difference of the interference mechanism for the pseudo-classical and quantum antenna states is described.
About the Author
I. A. PeshkoBelarus
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For citations:
Peshko I.A. Forbidden Radiation Angles of Quantum Antennas. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(5):682-688. (In Russ.)