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Sensitization of Yb(III), Er(III), and Nd(III) Luminescence by Ligands Based on 3-Formyl-4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid and Transition Metals


The syntheses of 3-formyl-4-hydroxybenzoic acid-derived ligands from ethylenediamine, diethylenetriamine, and triethylenetetramine are described. These ligands can further form hetero-binuclear complexes with transition metal ions (M2+ = Zn2+ ; Fe2+ ; Ni2+ ; Mn2+ ) and lanthanide ions (Ln3+ = Nd3+ ; Er3+ ; Yb3+ ).  The spectroscopic properties were studied using near infrared (NIR) luminescence emission spectra, fluorescence lifetime, and quantum yield. These hetero-nuclear complexes exhibited the characteristic lanthanide near-infrared luminescence in the solid state through energy-transfer from the chromophore to lanthanide ions. The d-block emission bands of transition metal ions in the solid state overlapped with f-f absorption bands of Yb(III), Er(III), or Nd(III), sensitizing the near-infrared luminescence of these hetero-binuclear complexes.

About the Authors

F. F. Dang
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology

Xi’an Shanxi Province 710055

Q. Zhang
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology

Xi’an Shanxi Province 710055

C. Zhu
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology

Xi’an Shanxi Province 710055

Zh. Ju
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Lanzhou University

Lan’zhou Gansu Province


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For citations:

Dang F., Zhang Q., Zhu C., Ju Zh. Sensitization of Yb(III), Er(III), and Nd(III) Luminescence by Ligands Based on 3-Formyl-4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid and Transition Metals. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(5):711-716.

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