Analogue of a Single-Pulse Echo Signal in Cobalt Formed under the Action of an Additional Magnetic Videopulse
It is shown that an analogue of single-pulse echo signal (edge magnetic echo) arises when an additional magnetic videopulse and the trailing edge of a sufficiently long radio-frequency pulse are simultaneously applied to the nuclear spin system in the domain walls of cobalt. It is formed by the mechanism of distortion of the leading edge of the effective radio-frequency pulse when the domain walls are displaced under the influence of a magnetic videopulse. This distortion occurs when the amplitude of the magnetic videopulse exceeds the threshold value leading to the onset of the displacement of domain walls, and is caused by the anisotropy of the local hyperfine field on the nuclei of domain walls. The role of displacements of domain walls in the formation of single-pulse echo signals in cobalt has been experimentally established. This also makes it possible to estimate the characteristics of the centers of domain wall fixing (pinning centers) by this method. The estimation coincides with the characteristics of domain wall pinning centers, determined by the effect of a magnetic videopulse on the two-pulse echo signal.
About the Authors
G. I. MamniashviliGeorgia
T. O. Gegechkori
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For citations:
Mamniashvili G.I., Gegechkori T.O. Analogue of a Single-Pulse Echo Signal in Cobalt Formed under the Action of an Additional Magnetic Videopulse. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(5):731-736. (In Russ.)