Regularities of the Formation of the Visibility Zone by Active-Pulse Vision Systems on Inclined Lines of Sight with Diffuse Reflection
It is established numerically that when active-pulse vision system registers signals from a diffusely reflecting underlying surface along inclined lines of sight, it is possible to select an area of small delay distances limited by the value Lzad-gr, where the spatial-energy profile of the recorded signal has the form of convex asymmetric curve with a maximum shifted to the beginning of the visibility zone. The value of Lzad-gr depends on the duration of the illumination and strobing pulses. For a co-operated object (equipped with retroreflectors), Lzad-gr coincides with the value previously set for horizontal observation lines. The width of the visibility zone for the cooperative and diffuse objects increases with the increase in the delay distance, tending to a certain limit value, depending on the duration of the illumination and strobing pulses. When observing on inclined lines of sight, the visibility angle in the vertical plane is determined by the duration of the illumination and strobing pulses, as well as the delay distance and the height of the vision system installation.
About the Authors
B. F. KuntsevichBelarus
V. P. Kabashnikov
D. V. Shabrov
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For citations:
Kuntsevich B.F., Kabashnikov V.P., Shabrov D.V. Regularities of the Formation of the Visibility Zone by Active-Pulse Vision Systems on Inclined Lines of Sight with Diffuse Reflection. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(5):783-791. (In Russ.)