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The efficiency of additional information on the optical transmission in solving the inverse problem of ellipsometry by the minimization method is practically shown for tin doped and non-doped In2O3 films on Al2O3 (012) substrates. This approach is provide uniquely determining the thickness and refractive index of the thin films with a rough surface. The results of solving the inverse problem in the framework of one-, two-, and multilayer models are compared, while the latter provides the best description of the experimental data and correct parameters of the samples. The investigated film properties are found using the above methods and models depending on different magnetron sputtering modes, and these dependencies do not contradict the general idea of the formation of films of this material.

About the Authors

A. A. Tikhii
Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering named after A. A. Galkin
Russian Federation

Yu. M. Nikolaenko
Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering named after A. A. Galkin
Russian Federation

V. A. Gritskih
Taras Shevchenko Lugansk National University
Russian Federation

K. A. Svyrydova
Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering named after A. A. Galkin
Russian Federation

V. V. Murga
Donbas State Technical University
Russian Federation

Yu. I. Zhikhareva
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Russian Federation

I. V. Zhikharev
Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering named after A. A. Galkin
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Tikhii A.A., Nikolaenko Yu.M., Gritskih V.A., Svyrydova K.A., Murga V.V., Zhikhareva Yu.I., Zhikharev I.V. ACCOUNT OF THE COMPLEX STRUCTURE OF THE SURFACE IN ELLIPSOMETRIC STUDIES OF THE EFFECT OF MAGNETRON SPUTTERING REGIMES ON THE GROWTH AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF In2O3 FILMS. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2018;85(1):161-167. (In Russ.)

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