Optical characteristics of annealed barium titanate films formed by the sol-gel method
Using the methods of spectral ellipsometry and spectrophotometry in the region of intrinsic absorption bands of sol-gel barium titanate films on quartz substrates annealed at temperatures of 450, 600, and 700°C we determined the thicknesses of surface layers, films, and film-substrate transition layers. A decrease in the porosity, thickness, and band gap of the films as well as an increase in their refractive indices and absorption with an increase in the annealing temperature were established. The spectra of refractive indices and absorption are interpolated by the dispersion formulas of new amorphous materials.
About the Authors
N. I. StaskovBelarus
Mogilev, 212022.
A. B. Sotsky
Mogilev, 212022.
S. S. Miheev
Mogilev, 212022.
N. V. Gaponenko
Minsk, 220013.
P. A. Kholov
Minsk, 220013.
T. F. Raichenok
Minsk, 220072.
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For citations:
Staskov N.I., Sotsky A.B., Miheev S.S., Gaponenko N.V., Kholov P.A., Raichenok T.F. Optical characteristics of annealed barium titanate films formed by the sol-gel method. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(6):918-925. (In Russ.)