Frustrated total internal reflection spectra of diazoquinone-novolac photoresist films
Using the method of IR-Fourier spectroscopy of attenuated total internal reflection (ATR) we studied the radiation-induced effects in thin films of diazoquinon-novoloc photoresists on the silicon substrate under the irradiation with 5 МeV electrons. It is established that electron irradiation in a dose above 3·1015 cm-2 leads to a decrease in the integral absorption in the wave numbers range 3700-400 cm-1. The intensity of the bands associated with -O-H oscillation and especially aliphatic -C-H bonds decreases the most. At a dose of 1·1017 cm-2, the intensity of the bands related to methylene (-CH2-) and methyl (~CH3) groups is comparable to the noise level. The intensity of the band ~ 1600 cm-1, caused by stretching oscillations of the aromatic ring, does not change in the entire dose range 3 • 1014 cm-1 • 1017 cm-2. The experimental data obtained indicate intense crosslinking of the polymer components ofphotoresists upon electron irradiation. It is found that the radiation-induced changes in ATR spectra depend on the type of photoresist (FP9120, S1813 G2SP15). The experimental regularities of changes in the optical characteristics of thin photoresist films irradiated with electrons are explained with respect to the peculiarities of the radiation chemistry of diazoquinon-novolac resins.
About the Authors
S. D. BrinkevichBelarus
Minsk, 220030.
D. I. Brinkevich
Minsk, 220030.
V. S. Prosolovich
Minsk, 220030.
S. B. Lastovskii
A. N. Pyatlitski
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For citations:
Brinkevich S.D., Brinkevich D.I., Prosolovich V.S., Lastovskii S.B., Pyatlitski A.N. Frustrated total internal reflection spectra of diazoquinone-novolac photoresist films. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2020;87(6):941-948. (In Russ.)