
Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii

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Vol 89, No 6 (2022)
755-761 223

It is shown that direct analysis of viscous organic liquids (medical and industrial adhesives, polymeric flocculant) by arc atomic emission spectrometry using aqueous standard solutions for constructing calibration dependences is impossible due to the matrix effect. This limitation is eliminated when the samples are diluted by at least in an order of magnitude, which leads to an increase in the limits of detection. A simplified scheme of acid mineralization of samples directly on the electrode (50 μL of nitric acid per 10 μL of sample) is proposed. The absence of the influence of the matrix is confirmed by the calculation of plasma parameters and comparison with the results obtained after traditional acid decomposition. The proposed method allows in a short time to obtain information on the content of a set of elements (Ag, Al, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, Ti, V, Zn) from hundredths of mg/kg in viscous organic liquids. 

762-769 272

The absorption and fluorescence spectra of a new styryl derivative of thioflavin T tosylate 2-{(1E,3E)-4- [4-(dimethylamino)-2,6-dimethylphenyl]buta-1,3-dien-1-yl}- 3-ethyl-1,3-benzothiazolium-3 (Th-C23) in solvents of different polarity and viscosity, as well as when it is incorporated into the structure of amyloid fibrils and bovine serum albumin are investigated. A characteristic feature of the dye is an extremely low fluorescence quantum yield in low-viscosity solvents (10–4 in water), which, however, increases significantly in viscous solutions and when incorporated into the structure of proteins or amyloid fibrils. In the latter case, the quantum yield increases by 8·103 times. Based on experimental studies and quantum chemical calculations, it is shown that Th-C23 exhibits molecular rotor properties. An increase in the fluorescence quantum yield in viscous solutions and upon incorporation into biopolymers is the result of limiting the torsion rotation of molecular fragments, leading to fluorescence quenching. The long-wavelength position of the absorption spectrum and the fluorescence spectrum of the new dye in the red region of the spectrum (520 and 600 nm) makes it possible to use it as a fluorescent marker sensitive to the viscosity (hardness) of the microenvironment not only in vitro, but also in vivo. 

770-776 262

The temporal characteristics of the glow intensity of erosion laser plumes near the surface under the action of nanosecond laser pulses on a carbon target are experimentally studied. The interaction of laser radiation with the destruction products of plume is minimal due to the formation of erosion plasma with a delay relative to the acting laser pulse. Using a modernized spectrometer, the spectral characteristics of an erosion laser plume near the surface of a carbon target with a time resolution of 10-8 s are studied, and the characteristic plasmodynamic times in the plume are ~10-6 s. It is shown that the emission of spectral lines of carbon appears with a delay relative to the glow of the continuous background, when the erosion plume is cooled during expansion. The results of the study make it possible to optimize some characteristics of the laser-plasma source for the deposition of nanocoatings. 

777-781 370

The scheme of CaO molecular fluorescence in laser-induced plasma involving the transitions between B<sup>1</sup>Π and X<sup>1</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup> electron states was proposed and implemented. In fluorescence spectra CaO molecular bands were observed at wavelengths of 408.43 (band 0, 1) and 421 nm. The band at 421 nm was assigned to the (0, 3) transition using the energies of vibrational levels calculated by molecular constants. Selective excitation of rotational states was demonstrated, which is observed as a shift of the fluorescence intensity maximum in a spectrum with the change of the wavelength of an exciting laser within the vibrational band. The proposed scheme for CaO fluorescence was used in spatially resolved measurements to show the distribution of calcium oxide molecules in laser-induced plasma. 

782-788 259

Based on a set of LIBS spectra of low-alloy steels, regression models were constructed for the analysis of manganese, chromium, nickel, copper, silicon, vanadium, titanium and aluminum using projection onto latent structures. The spectra were recorded in the spectral range of 288–325 nm with a resolution of ~0.04 nm. The laser plasma was excited in a collinear two-pulse excitation mode at a wavelength of 1064 nm. The efficiency of various methods of spectrum preprocessing (normalization to the base line, localization of the spectral range, addition of non-linear components of the spectrum), which allow improving the accuracy of regression models, was studied. The use of the optimal of the considered preprocessing methods made it possible to improve the standard deviation of the analysis results for the test sample in the range from 1.8 times for vanadium to 6.8 times for silicon. 

789-801 250

Explicit forms of the power density and the total radiation power of the second-harmonic generation in a thin spherical layer of a small radius are determined. The conditions for a maximal total power of the second harmonic and the direction of observation of the maximum intensity of the second harmonic are found analytically for special cases of the second-order dielectric susceptibility tensor. A numerical maximization of the energy characteristics of the second-harmonic generated radiation is carried out using one and two coherent sources with the same ellipticity of radiation. The advantage of using several coherent sources compared to a single source of initial radiation is shown. 

802-806 349

A method for estimating the isotopic composition and concentration of NV-centers in diamond using Raman scattering and photoluminescence spectra is presented. The proposed laboratory technique was used to study the spatial distribution of the 13C isotope and NV-centers in samples of CVD-diamond with isotopically modified layers.

807-814 372

A method of vector magnetometry, implemented using a single NV–13C spin system in a diamond, is proposed. The method is based on a priori knowledge of the hyperfine interaction characteristics and on the presence of experimentally measured line positions in the optically detectable magnetic resonance spectrum of such a system. The method was experimentally tested on the NV–13C system, in which the 13С atom is located in the third coordination sphere of the NV center.

815-819 282

The processes of resonant interaction of short pulses of polychromatic radiation of a dye laser with plasma of a nanosecond discharge in neon with an extended hollow cathode are experimentally studied. During the propagation of laser radiation inside the cathode cavity near the spectral absorption line of Ne I with a wavelength of 650.6 nm, the formation of asymmetric optical transmission spectra of the plasma of the dispersion type are detected, while during the propagation of laser radiation in the region between the electrodes, symmetric transmission spectra of the classical kind are formed.

820-823 202

The characteristics of fixation centers of domain walls in cobalt are studied by two alternative methods of nuclear magnetic resonance observed as an echo signal under the influence of an additional magnetic video-pulse: by the effect of a magnetic video-pulse on a two-pulse echo signal and by the threshold for generating a magnetic echo signal at combined influence of a radiofrequency pulse and a magnetic video-pulse on a sample. It is shown that the degree of fixation of domain walls in cobalt linearly depends on the external constant magnetic field in a wider range, compared to lithium-zinc ferrite, due to its higher magnetic rigidity. 

824-829 199

The longitudinal (spin-lattice) relaxation times of Т1 of protons are measured selectively (for various structural groups) at a nuclear magnetic resonance frequency of 700 MHz in a solution of an industrial sample of Cariflex-IR0307 isoprene rubber in deuterated benzene. It is shown that the value of T1 significantly depends on the structural position in the polyisoprene chain. The highest values of T1 are obtained at double bonds of monomer units in the cis-configuration and the methyl group of the trans-unit, the smallest values were obtained for the methine and methylene protons of the 3,4-unit, with a difference of two to three times. The questions of measurement accuracy are considered. Practical recommendations are formulated for the conditions of recording high-resolution NMR1H spectra at quantitative analysis of the structure of isoprene rubbers. 

830-835 161

Rapid, sensitive, reproducible and cost-effective zero-order and first-order derivative spectrophotometric method has been developed for the quantification of solifenacin succinate in bulk and its tablet formulation. Preliminary spectrophotometric determination of the drug was carried out in 0.1 N HCl, methanol and in phosphate buffer pH 2.0 with a total of thirty-three parametric variations. The selected method with three parametric variations employing peak-zero (P-0) and peak-peak (P-P) techniques was assessed for stability, indicating a potential for force-degraded solutions. The method was validated in accordance with the ICH guidelines with respect to linearity, accuracy, precision, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), and robustness. Excellent linearity was noted in a concentration range of 1.0–80.0 μg/mL for all three method variants. Limits of detection for the proposed method ranged from 0.03–0.16 μg/mL and limits of quantitation were found to be in the range of 0.09–0.48 μg/mL, respectively. Excellent recovery of the drug was obtained from its marketed tablet formulation with the proposed method. 

836-844 166

The present research investigates the spectrophotometric approach for the simple and rapid quantification of Ticagrelor in the pharmaceutical matrix using a mathematical filtration technique. The sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) (5% w/v) eco-sustainable solvent was employed to enhance the spectral absorption of Ticagrelor as an alternative to polar organic solvents in Ticaspan® tablets without any interruption of excipients routinely used in the marketed preparation of the cited drug. Four new analytical spectroscopic approaches such as zero-order and zero-order-area under the curve, first-order, and first-order-area under the curve were formulated and addressed in association with a recommended protocol of the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH), i.e., Q2R1 to quantify the cited therapeutic at 251.20–265.40 nm extended spectral wavelength ranges of UV/Vis-spectrometer unit for 5–30 µg/mL concentration ranges. A comparative study was accomplished among novel experiments; there was no statistical variance between the findings resulting from the present research and those attained by the literature reports subsequently to statistical assessment. 

845-851 167

The metabolite profiles of various cysts and abscesses outside the jaw area have been investigated by magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) using water-suppression techniques. However, metabolite profiles of jaw cysts, jaw abscesses, saliva, and urine have not yet been obtained by MRS using massive D2O dilution of samples. This study was aimed at obtaining metabolite profiles of these bio-fluids by MRS without water suppression. In total, 37 jaw cysts, 19 jaw abscesses, 10 saliva and 10 urine samples were collected. Dilutions were prepared by adding 0.06 mL of each sample to 0.94 mL D2O. Single-pulse experiments were performed using a 400 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer. High-resolution metabolite profiles were obtained for most jaw abscesses (13), some jaw cysts (8), all saliva, and all urine samples. Except for one jaw cyst, the remaining samples showed a broad envelope containing various metabolites. However, high-resolution spectra for these cystic fluid samples were obtained through 40% dilution with H2O. In conclusion, to the best of our knowledge, metabolite profiles of jaw cysts, abscesses, saliva, and urine by massive D2O dilution were first presented here. The presented approach does not require water suppression and uses a relatively low frequency NMR. It is also a simple and novel method of eliminating radiation damping, reducing experimental time, and allowing relaxation measurements. 

852-857 268

We experimentally studied the spectral characteristics of plasma generated on the surface of human hair under various focusing conditions (by the lenses with a focal length of 50, 100, 150 mm) by short (9 ns) laser pulses with an energy from 5 to 50 mJ in the regime of elemental composition analysis along the length of the samples. The minimal energetic levels of laser pulses were obtained. The optimal conditions for the registration of the emission lines of magnesium and calcium in the studied samples were determined. 

858-868 212

We considered the methodological aspects of increasing the efficiency of active-pulse systems for viewing objects with quasi-zero contrast based on two-dimensional registration of the intensity of time-truncated realizations of reflected light fields. We demonstrated the advantages of the proposed method for increasing the reliability of detection and differentiation of objects with quasi-zero contrast as compared with the known methods of optical contrast vision. 

869-877 178

We numerically investigated the regularities of the formation of the spatial-energy profile of the visibility zone by active-impulse vision systems, taking into account the noise threshold. Consideration is limited by the case of objects with a known distance from them, which are observed by moving the visibility zone in their vicinity. It is shown that the equation used earlier in the literature, in which the length of the visibility zone is uniquely determined by the sum of the durations of the illumination ∆tlas and strobing ∆tfp, pulses is valid at relatively small distances from objects, where the maximal (peak) values of the signal contrast are close to unity. With a further increase in the distance, the length of the visibility zone decreases. With an increase in the duration of the illumination pulses ∆tlas (starting from the minimum possible value), and the simultaneous fulfillment of the condition ∆tlas + ∆tfp = const, the length of the visibility zone increases relatively quickly in the region where the maximum values of the signal Emax increase. In the region corresponding to the decrease in Emax, the length of the visibility zone asymptotically approaches the maximum possible previously known value. For the first time, a decrease in the length of the visibility zone for fixed durations of illumination and strobing pulses with an increasing distance to the object was experimentally confirmed. 

878-883 189

We established that for anisotropic Bragg light diffraction on holographic phase gratings for significant perturbation amplitudes of the refractive index of the medium, in the transmitted diffraction orders there is a significant rotation of the polarization plane of the diffracted wave, which is absent in the reflected diffraction orders. It is shown that periodic changes in the transmission coefficients of diffracted waves with a change in the azimuth of polarization of incident light are due to a significant difference in the Fresnel reflection coefficients at the layer boundaries for s- and p-components of incident light; these periodic changes are absent in the reflected diffraction orders. 

884-889 525

Calculating nonlinear optical phenomena in a barium-strontium niobate photorefractive crystal we constructed a mathematical model of the two-dimensional linearly polarized Gaussian light beams propagation taking into account all components of the linear electrooptic tensor. We investigated the dependence of the light beam intensity on the polarization azimuth at the entrance of the crystal and on the direction of the external electric field applied to a photorefractive crystal. We determined the conditions under which the focusing of two-dimensional Gaussian light beams at the exit of the crystal is maximal. 


890-893 246

A variant of the interpretation of the spectrum broadening and the change in the angular characteristics of the light beam at the exit of the dispersive medium is proposed. The role of axions responsible for changes in the spectral and angular characteristics of a light beam is considered. 

894-896 251

We experimentally investigated photoluminescence, photocurrent relaxation, and the lux-ampere characteristic of photoconductivity in FeGaInS4 single crystals upon second-harmonic excitation by a pulsed YAG:Nd3+ laser. It is shown that the photoluminescence band can be associated with the recombination of bands on impurity or the recombination of donor-acceptor pairs. The decrease in the lifetime upon excitation is due to the high concentration of nonequilibrium carriers generated by high-power laser radiation. An explanation of the lux-ampere characteristic of photoconductivity is given. 


897 165

To better understand the molecular definition of 3-[4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-3a,4,8,8a-tetrahydro6H-[1,3]dioxepino[5,6-d][1,2]oxazole (OXE-OXA) compound, we examined its molecular geometric structure and spectroscopic properties in detail. First, we determined the OXE-OXA compound’s crystal structure using single-crystal X-ray diffraction data, then we grew a single crystal of the OXE-OXA compound using the slow evaporation solution magnification technique at room temperature with ethanol. It was found that the OXE-OXA compound crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system with the noncentrosymmetric space group P 1 21/n 1. We performed the theoretical calculations for OXE-OXA compound at the B3LYP/6- 311++G(d,p) and HSEh1PBE/6-311++G(d,p) levels of the density functional theory method. According to the comparison of our obtained data, the experimental 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shifts were in strong agreement with the values for simulated chemical shifts. Later, we investigated the experimental FT-IR and theoretical IR spectrum of OXE-OXA compounds in the 4000–400 cm–1 region. 

898 160

Two triethylene glycol bridged oligourea receptors R1 and R2 were synthesized and characterized by 1H NMR, FT-IR, melting-point method and elemental analysis. The recognition properties of PO43– were studied by naked eye recognition and UV-vis spectroscopy. The Job’s plot analysis confirmed that the receptor R1 and PO43– formed a complex at a molar ratio of 3:2 while the binding ratio of R2 to PO43– was 1:1. The R1 recognized PO43– with a complexing constant of 1.46×105 M–1, and the complex constant of R2 recognizing PO43– was 2.75×105 M–1. In addition, the hydrogen bond between R1 and R2 with PO43– was examined with the method of alcohol effect by adding competitive solvent ethanol to the DMSO system. Furthermore, the recognition of PO43– by R1 and R2 was investigated through competitive measurements by adding other anions with the same concentration to the system. This study provides a simple and fast method for phosphate anion recognition. 

899 157

Theoretical investigation on stimulated Brillouin scattering of intense q-Gaussian laser beams interacting with axially non-uniform plasmas has been presented. A ramp-shaped density profile has modelled the axial inhomogeneity of the plasma and the optical nonlinearity of the plasma has been considered to be originating owing to the dependence of the relativistic mass of the plasma electrons on laser intensity. An intense laser beam with frequency w0 propagating through plasma gets coupled with a preexisting ion acoustic wave (IAW) at frequency ωia and produces a back-scattered wave at frequency ws = w0 – wia. Using variational theory semi-analytical solution of the set of coupled wave equations for the pump, a IAW and a scattered wave have been obtained under W.K.B. approximation. It has been noted that the power of the scattered wave is significantly affected by the self-focusing effect of the pump beam. 

900 185

ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) are used in many electro-optical applications due to their special characteristic properties. NPs improve the optical parameters of liquid crystalline molecules. The main theme of this paper focuses on the homogeneous dispersion of ZnO NPs in small concentrations, i.e. 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 wt% in liquid crystal compounds of p-n-octyloxy benzoic acid (8oba). Scanning electron microscopy is used to ascertain the morphology of the dispersed ZnO NPs in liquid crystal compounds. Polarizing optical microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry are used to determine the phase transition temperatures of these compounds. The wedge-shaped modified spectrometer is used to determine the refractive indices at different wavelengths, visually 460, 500, 570, and 635 nm. The values of the birefringence (δn) and order parameter (S) are enhanced with the dispersion of increasing concentrations of ZnO NPs. 

901 164

Chelating resins have been widely used in sewage treatment, and the functional mechanism of chelating resins is related to the pH value of the environment, so it is significant to explore the effect of pH on chelating resins. In this work, the laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) was used to analyze how the pH value changes the adsorption state of the chelating resin for Cu2+ and Mn2+ ions. The optimal pH values for the chelating resin adsorption of Cu2+ and Mn2+ through the signal-to-back ratio were obtained and the spectrogram of resin adsorbing heavy metal was compared with the metal mass map to determine the staticspecific adsorption saturation capacities of the amino phosphoric acid chelating resin for Cu2+ and Mn2+ at different pH values. Then the calibration curve was compared with the results showing that different pH values would result in different limits of detection (LODs) for water. The higher the static-specific adsorption saturation capacity, the lower the LOD. As for the detection limit of the amino phosphoric acid chelating resin itself, the pH value has no effect on it. This work proved that the influence of the pH value on the adsorption of heavy metals by the chelated resin can be explored by LIBS, while the content of heavy metals in the chelated resin can be obtained by the calibration curve. 

902 176

An innovative method for the simultaneous determination of Cr, Fe, Si, Mn, V, Ti, P, and S in ferrochromium was developed based on the powder compression method coupled with energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The measurement conditions, current, voltage, analytical line, filter, and detector mode were optimized. The optimal sample quality, binder dosage, and tablet pressure were predicted by MINITAB software using a design of experiments that simultaneously investigated the combined effect of the different factors. The matrix and overlapping effects of the element spectrum were corrected using Epslion3 software. The results indicated that the element working curves had a good linear relationship for the selected concentration range, and the correlation coefficient of the eight elements was between 0.9912 and 0.9997. The accuracy of the proposed method was confirmed by analyzing a ferrochromium-certified reference material that had not been used in the linear regression, which ranged from 0.08 to 5.29%. The proposed technique was able to determine the Cr, Fe, Si, Mn, V, Ti, P, and S content of ferrochromium with excellent accuracy and precision, and it was superior to reported methods. 

903 167

The outbreak of COVID-19 has spread worldwide, causing great damage to the global economy. Raman spectroscopy is expected to become a rapid and accurate method for the detection of coronavirus. A classification method of coronavirus spike proteins by Raman spectroscopy based on deep learning was implemented. A Raman spectra dataset of the spike proteins of five coronaviruses (including MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, HCoV-HKU1, and HCoV-OC43) was generated to establish the neural network model for classification. Even for rapidly acquired spectra with a low signal-to-noise ratio, the average accuracy exceeded 97%. An interpretive analysis of the classification results of the neural network was performed, which indicated that the differences in spectral characteristics captured by the neural network were consistent with the experimental analysis. The interpretative analysis method provided a valuable reference for identifying complex Raman spectra using deep-learning techniques. Our approach exhibited the potential to be applied in clinical practice to identify COVID-19 and other coronaviruses, and it can also be applied to other identification problems such as the identification of viruses or chemical agents, as well as in industrial areas such as oil and gas exploration. 

904 120

Boletus brunneissimus Chiu carbon dots (Bb-CDs) with good fluorescence performance were successfully prepared by the hydrothermal method (200°C, 12 h) using the edible fungus Boletus brunneissimus Chiu as the carbon source. The Bb-CD fluorescent nanoprobe was applied to detection of riboflavin, and its fluorescence-quenching mechanism was investigated. The structure and optical properties of the Bb-CDs were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy. In the riboflavin concentration (C) range of 0–50 μM, the fluorescence-quenching effect of the Bb-CDs (y) showed a good linear relationship with the riboflavin concentration. The linear equation was y = 0.00304C + 0.02151 (R2 = 0.99497), and the detection limit was 45 nM. Therefore, the Bb-CDs showed high detection sensitivity and a low detection limit for riboflavin. Moreover, the fluorescence-quenching mechanism of the Bb-CDs by riboflavin belonged to the fluorescent inner filter effect. The Bb-CDs were successfully used as a fluorescent nanoprobe to detect riboflavin in actual fruit samples, which provides a new concept for application of CDs to biological detection. 

905 127

Grassland rodent infestations are important factors that limit the healthy development of grassland ecosystems. Understanding the spatial distributions of rodent populations in relation to vegetation and soil is a prerequisite for implementing ecological prevention and control measures to alleviate rodent infestations. A low-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle hyperspectral image data acquisition system has been developed for monitoring grassland rodent infestations. The three-dimensional dense convolutional network (3D-DenseNet) model is improved by using a residual structure and asymmetric convolution, and a 3D deep dense residual network (3D-DDRNet) model is proposed and used to classify the features of grassland rodent monitoring information. The results show that the overall classification accuracy of the 3D-DDRNet model is 96.68%, and the model size is 6.12 MB. The overall accuracy is improved by 1.46%, and the model size is reduced by 15.5% compared with that achieved before the improvement. This study can be used as a benchmark for the extraction and inversion of rodent information acquired from grassland remote sensing images, and it provides a theoretical basis for grassland rodent pest control. 

906 173

The resonance light scattering method was used to study the coordination-driven self-assembly reaction of zinc with a bipolar tetradentate ligand and a bipolar bidentate ligand to form a supramolecular polymer. The bipolar tetradentate ligand was N,N’-bis(pyridoxal phosphate)-o-tetraminobiphenyl synthesized by the reaction of pyridoxal phosphate with biphenyltetramine, and the bipolar bidentate ligand was bis-phenanthroline-glutaraldehyde synthesized by the reaction of glutaraldehyde with 5-aminophenanthroline. The formation of the supramolecular polymer causes signal enhancement of resonance light scattering. Based on this, we established a new method for the determination of zinc by resonance light scattering. Under optimized experimental conditions, the zinc concentration in the range of 0.3–30 ng/mL showed a good linear relationship with the resonance light scattering intensity of the system. The detection limit of the method is 0.1 ng/mL. Using this method to determine the content of zinc in food, the recovery rate of standard addition is between 95 and 107%, and the relative standard deviation is less than 3.68%. 

907 160

Soil-available nitrogen is a vital index related to the growth and development of crops. The real-time and non-destructive detection of the soil-available nitrogen content based on near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy could improve the accurate management of crop nutrients. In this manuscript, soil NIR spectroscopy and available nitrogen data are used in a stacked framework to develop a reliable and accurate soilavailable nitrogen model. The spectral reflectance of the soil samples was collected in the 900 to 1700 nm band with nine pre-processing methods using a handheld micronear-infrared spectrometer. The stacking framework of this manuscript has two layers. Extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), categorical boosting (CatBoost), a light gradient boosting machine (LightGBM) and a random forest, which are tree-based algorithms, are stacked as base models in the first layer. In the second layer, linear regression is employed in a meta-model to identify the unique learning pattern of the base model. The results show that the range and characteristics of the spectra can be used to make relevant predictions, and the micro-NIR spectra are variable under different pre-treatments. In addition, the stacked model achieves the best performance of all the models tested. Notably, the coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.942, and the relative percent difference is 4.192 with Savitzky–Golay and multiplicative scatter correction. This manuscript presents an efficient method for predicting soil-available nitrogen levels with a handheld micronear-infrared spectrometer. 

908 158

We synthesize a phosphor by combining trimethylammonium tetraphenyl porphyrin with palladium (II), obtaining Pd-TTAP, and investigate its interaction with graphene oxide (GO). Pd-TTAP and GO are found to be noncovalently bonded, according to high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), room temperature phosphorescence spectroscopy (RTP), Raman spectroscopy, and infrared spectroscopy (IR). The binding constant is 2.32 × 104 M−1, calculated using the Benesi–Hildebrand method, and a photoelectric response test finds that photo-induced electrons are transferred from the triplet excited state of Pd-TTAP to GO under visible light excitation. Our results demonstrate that Pd-TTAP can serve as an effective energy donor, with GO as an electron acceptor, in photoelectric conversion systems. 


ISSN 0514-7506 (Print)